

Windows 10/11 New Computer Configuration Special

Make Your New Computer SECURE, Streamlined & Easy-To-Use

Only $195.00

(Other discounts do not apply.)

Requires 6 to 8 hours - 2 evenings, $540 - $720 VALUE!


Uninstall Trial Versions (trial versions expire)

Norton/McAfee/Other Anti-virus, Trial Office, Other manufacturer’s junk software


Install and/or Update

Free Anti-virus

Malwarebytes Anti-Spy

Free-ware Office equivalent or end user’s Office

Customize computer name

Personalizeed TSTCW Ease-of-Access

Acrobat Reader (Current Version)

Windows Classic Games

Screen Saver

Microsoft Skype & Zoom

Google Earth


Multimedia Viewers & Players

Install VLC Player for DVD playback if needed

Icon Works

Windows Media Player (Current Version)

Set-up Desktop icons

Configure Power, Sleep & Desktop Settings

Download and Install all Windows Updates & Latest Windows Version/Service Pack

Set-up Internet Connection to your Internet Service Provider

Windows Plus

Install additional Internet browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

Adblock Plus (Optional)

Clean-up & Configure Windows Start Pane

Set Default Programs, Internet Browser & Configure /Assosiate Common Files to Common Programs

Configure Windows Notifications

Configure Windows Personalization

Configure Desktop Match (If possible)

Configure Windows Start Options

Install TSTCW Start Globe & Install TSTCW Shut Down & Restart Apps

Disable Google Chrome 3rd Party Cookies

Delete suspicious imported Extensions & Notifications

Run Registry Cleaners

Run Disk Cleanup

Set-up On-site

Download Printer Software from Manufacturer’s Website

Connect & Install Printer


Configure Thunderbird/Outlook/Incredimail

Email Accounts/Folders/Mail Imported 1GB* ($95.00 each, if possible)

Configure Email Address & Servers

Import Address Book

Configure to Allow & Open Attachments & Pictures


Additional Personalized Services Available (Optional Fees Apply)

Install Additional Software Titles ($25.00 Minimum or $5.00 each)

Install AOL Gold & Configure ($45.00)

Create & Load back-up files up to 10 GB $95.00 per user, *$10.00 per 10 GB thereafter

Remote Back-up & PC Match ($50.00)

Load Back-up from on-line back-up service (Carbonite, etc.) $100.00 minimum

On-site File Transfer (Additional $60.00 per half hour, if possible)

Additional Printers or Install New Printer, regularly $90, ($35.00 each)

Set-up, install and/or configure wireless printer ($50.00)

Configure Additional Users ($35.00) (Not recommended)

Back-up & Restore Proprietary Data ($75.00 minimum)      

Set-up/re-configure new/current wireless network, labor only ($50.00)

Move hard drive to a working computer & Data Recovery of damaged/deleted/lost files ($100.00 & up)

Move hard drive to a working computer & Data Recovery from a non-working computer with a working hard drive ($50.00) 


*Some items may not be installed due to system specifications


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